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Something Interesting

Page history last edited by Dan Gilbert 12 years, 5 months ago

Cisco White Paper: The Internet of Things 50 billion connected devices by 2020.

Women Deliver 50: 50 programs that help women around the world, developed by Women Deliver.org


Thomas Edsall, The Reproduction of Privilege, in the NYTimes, about how higher ed is reinforcing our class differences, not opening doors for people to move up ladder.


Mapping pedagogy and tools for effective learning design, Concole, G. et al.


Design Thinking Educator toolkit


Don Norman, Ad-Hoc Personas and Empathetic Focus, Good article from one of the leaders in design processes.



Basic Education and Gender Equity  overview and podcast describing the role of education in conflict-torn regions as a peacebuilding effort. Complete report as .pdf

UNGEI - United Nations Girls' Education Initiative

Back on Track: Rebuilding Education, Rebuilding Societies.  An effort from UNICEF to " to support and further international development work on education in emergencies and post-crisis transition countries. This site is a platform for ideas, information, materials and discussions on current trends and issues in the delivery of education services both during and after conflict and natural disasters."


Education to disabled children after natural disaster in third world

Temporary Learning Centers established after natural disasters


World Bank Summary of Achieving Universal Primary Education

World Bank Update on achieving UPE, April 2011

World Bank Page on Girls Education


Interested in Menstruation issues in school?  "Check" out my favorite Nigerian Always commercial for a humor break and a really catchy tune!! -Meredith :D  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKKlsA5M8jg 


Nicholas Kristof article on 4/19 in NYTimes writing about teen girls sold into prostitution in the US.  Happening now. 


8 Prominent Futurists describe their visions in Wired Magazine; all great thinkers fun to read April 24 2012

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