
Class Schedule

Page history last edited by Ami Mehta 9 years, 9 months ago

Our Class Schedule/Syllabus for EDUC 333B, 2012


Date  Theme      
Instructors    Prior to Class  In Class Activity 

Class 1


Global Future Trends


The Future of Learning Trends


The UN Millennial Development Goal - Perspectives


Alumni Poster Session


Alumni Mentor Introduction

Ami Mehta, 2001


Dan Gilbert, 2002

[@ Stanford]





First Class:  Introductions, Overview and Alumni Poster Sharing Session

First day of class. What we know - synthesizing what we've learned in earlier courses * Global Trends based on the Institute of the Future Who we know - LDT alumni who are (a) working to improve primary education in some capacity and (b) interested in supporting this year's class Alumni Poster Session

We will explain the problem and show personal examples of the lack of Universal Primary Education today and show a 10 year horizon of global trends for the future. We are also inviting the LDT Alumni Network to participate in a poster sharing session and will give the students an opportunity to be partnered with an Alumni mentor for the duration of the course.



Class 2


The Compelling Argument and Prioritization

Ami Mehta, 2001


Dan Gilbert, 2002

[@ Stanford]



Create one entry for

Global Challenges for Learning Table



United Nations, The Millennium Development Goals Report
, Published by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
(DESA) — June 2010, 

pgs. 16-18 in the class schedule folder on the wiki


Historical Perspective:


Achieving Universal Primary
Education by 2015

A Chance for Every Child
Barbara Bruns, Alain Mingat, and
Ramahatra Rakotomalala, 
Washington, D.C. 2003, pgs. 1-11 in the class schedule folder on the wiki


Asian Development Bank commentary on the MDG's for Universal Primary Education, Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2010, pgs. 72-77



Identify Group Experience Projects Each student will be given 2 minutes each to describe their case from and to make it compelling. The class will jointly choose five problems to form groups around. Students will be divided up in teams of 3-4 for the entire 10 week period based on complementary skill sets


Examples of global learning challenges, solutions, processes and groups interested in solving the problem


Class 3


Local Learning Challenge





Ami Mehta, 2001


Dan Gilbert. 2002



Contributing Advisor

Heidi Chang




The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid:  Eradicating Poverty Through Profits. Prahalad, C.K. Phiiladelphia: Wharton School Publishing, 2006. Chapters 1,2.


Read:The Internet of ThingsCisco White Paper by Dave Evans April 2011


Partnership for Global Learning - Asia Institute_SMS.pdf



Cognitive Apprenticeship by Collins, A., Brown, J.S., Holum, A.



Interview with John Seely Brown, New Learners of the 21st Century


Sir Ken Robinson TED talk


BRING: Shoe box with recycled materials


Final Deliverable for Castilleja

Due:  Wednesday, April 25, 2012 on group project teams page

Local Learning Challenge to apply learning strategy and technology design:  Castilleja School, Palo Alto


Designing the 21st Century Curriculum


  • Using a local, independent all girls school as a baseline for learning, how might this learning extend into areas with fewer resources and opportunity? Or, to girls who are in a different community?
  • Develop designs to scaffold 21st century skills and concepts while cultivating girl identities as "agents of change" and connecting girls to a social network of girls globally through appropriate technology solutions. 
  • Castilleja School partnerships are located in China, Guatemala, India, and Kenya.


Castilleja School: Women Learning, Women Leading

The only independent girls’ school for grades 6-12 in the Bay Area, Castilleja prepares young women to be self-directed learners and independent leaders. Experienced Castilleja teachers, coaches and advisors tailor classroom instruction and co-curricular programming to the unique needs of girls, creating an incomparable environment for girls to thrive.


Class 4


Local Learning Challenge



Mid-Term Evaluation, Center for Teaching and Learning

Ami Mehta, 2001


Dan Gilbert, 2002

[@ Stanford]


Contributing Advisor

Heidi Chang

Reading: Prahalad, (Chapters 3-6)



Part 1:  Local Learning Challenge: Castillaja, Palo Alto


10 minute group presentations and evaluation of final deliverable to Heidi Chang at Castilleja


CTL: Small Group Evaluation


Part 2:  Group Experience Project

Focus on the Understand part of your project.


Class 5


National Design Challenge





Ami Mehta, 2001


Dan Gilbert. 2002



Contributing Advisor

Jessie Arora, 2008


* Reading: Prahalad, (Part II Sect 1-5)


Grogan, Louise. Universal Primary Education and School Entry in Uganda. (2009)

Journal of African Economies, Vol 18 Issue 2. pp 183-211. (available through Stanford Libraries website)


Khan Academy Snapshot

Sal Khan TED Talk


Final Deliverable for Khan Academy

Due:  Wednesday, May 9, 2012 on the wiki


Add one entry to Approaches Table 


Working in pars: define one Technology Theme  and post by Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Getting solutions to go mainstream--


Hack Education Response


National Design Challenge: Khan Academy, Nigeria, Africa


Empowering Global Learners

Designing modern learning environments
  • Khan Academy's mission is to provide a free world-class education for anyone anywhere.  While significant innovation has taken place with content creation (Khan Academy, MIT OCW, TED ED) relatively little time/energy/money has been spent rethinking the best methods for distributing that content in a culturally relevant way


  • How can we redesign learning environments/systems that utilize these vast libraries of digital content to motivate people to feel ownership over their learning process? What does it mean to truly scale blended learning methods to improve teaching and learning on a global scale?


Khan Academy

A free world-class education for anyone anywhere.

All of the site's resources are available to anyone. It doesn't matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. The Khan Academy's materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge. 



Neil D'Souza will join this session to demo his edu hotspot and share his experience overcoming device and connectivity constraints so that the project teams can focus specifically on the teaching and learning components.






Class 6


National Design Challenge Presentations

Ami Mehta, 2001


Dan Gilbert, 2002

[@ Stanford]


Contributing Advisor

Jessie Arora, 2008


Ale, K. , and Chib, A.  (2011) Community Factors in Technology Adoption in Primary Education: Perspectives from Rural India.  Information Technologies & International Development [Online],  Volume 7 Issue 9 pp 53 -68.


* Reading: Prahalad, (Part II Sect 1-5)



Part 1:  National Design Challenge:  Khan Academy, Nigeria, Africa 


10 minute group presentations and evaluation to Jessie Arora, Khan Academy


Part 2:  Group Experience Projects

Focus on the Design part of your project  What are the various design approach.


Class 7


Global Business Challenge





Ami Mehta, 2001


Dan Gilbert, 2002



Contributing Advisor

Dr. Piya Sorcar, 2009

Homework:  In pairs describe a Design Theme and post on Wiki by Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Global Business Challenge:  TeachAIDS, in 70+ Countries


Business Strategy for Worldwide Impact
Spun out of Stanford in 2009, and recognized as an innovation which would “change the world” by MIT Technology Review in 2011, TeachAIDS is a social venture that creates breakthrough software to solve persistent problems in HIV prevention in more than 70 countries. TeachAIDS provides the most effective prevention education around the world for free under a Creative Commons License, supported by organizations including Barclays, Google, and UNICEF.

Business Problems: TeachAIDS has solved the learning problem and design problems. Now they are in the process of organizing efforts to provide the most effective HIV prevention education to the entire world. Business strategy problems include:

  1. Corporate Analysis: which companies are best suited to being TeachAIDS corporate partners?
  2. Competitive Analysis: who are the leading competitors and substitutes, and how do they compare?

Dr. Piya Sorcar will be joined by Shuman Ghosemajumder, who will provide an overview of the relevant business strategy questions and analytical frameworks.



Class 8


Global Business Challenge


Ami Mehta, 2001


Dan Gilbert, 2002



Contributing Advisor

Dr. Piya Sorcar, 2009

Homework:  Define One 10 Year Horizon Business Theme and post on Wiki by Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Refine your three global 10 Year Horizon technology, design and business trends,  challenges, and/or opportunities to be inputted into the global themes map.  Identify the implications for learning.  Due: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 on the wiki



Part 1:  Global Business Challenge: TeachAIDS, in 70+ Countries


10 minute group presentations and evaluation from TeachAIDS

Part 2:  Experience Design Projects:


Share first version of your project with class, get feedback from peers and instructors.


Class 9


Envisioning Themes

Ami Mehta, 2001


Dan Gilbert, 2002



Contributing Advisors

Tania Choi, 2001



Theme Building and Creating the Learning Themes Chart


Envisioning The Future of Learning Decade Map

We will be working with Tania, John and Eric to distill the themes down to 10 key themes in the next decade based on the implications for learning. 


From Wikipedia:  Information graphics are visual devices intended to communicate complex information quickly and clearly. The devices include diagrams, graphs, tables, maps, lists, horizontal bar charts, vertical column charts, and round or ovalpie charts, that can summarize a lot of statistical information. Diagrams can be used to show how a system works, and may be an organizational chart that shows lines of authority, or a systems flowchart that shows sequential movement. Illustrated graphics use images to related data.


Class 10


Universal Primary Learning

Movie Night

Ami Mehta, 2001


Dan Gilbert, 2002

[@ Stanford]

Finish  Group Experience Projects


All materials due to instructors Due: Monday, June 11, 2012 on the wiki

Final Class:  Integrating the Learning, Design and Business Strategy and Eliciting Community Feedback


Final Group Experience Activities


Final Class: We will have a mini symposium where each team will lead other students and guests through a design challenge activity .


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